Multi-line text input - AH165

The code below produced the output following it.

  <form action = "">
        <input type = "text"
               id = "txtName" />
           Please enter the sum total of
           Western thought. Be brief.
        <textarea id = "txtAnswer"
                  rows = "10"
                  cols = "40"></textarea>

The output of the example on page AH166 also has the word 'Quiz' in type right hand corner of the box.

I changed the default of the tab character size from 3 spaces to 2 spaces, but it did not take even after restart. I shall test it below on the above script. I shall use a tab for each indent.

I used tabs for indentation. The output turned out weird again. I removed the script.

I shall continue with the drop-down list example on AH167

The code that produced the drop-down box above is shown below.

<form action = "">
    <label>What is your favorite color?</label>
    <select id = "selColor">
      <option value = "#ff0000">Red</option>
      <option value = "#00ff00">Green</option>
      <option value = "#0000ff">Blue</option>
      <option value = "#00ffff">Cyan</option>
      <option value = "#ff00ff">Magenta</option>
      <option value = "#ffff00">Yellow</option>
      <option value = "#000000">Black</option>
      <option value = "#ffffff">White</option>


In the above code I placed the start of each line into colunn 1, and the output of each line started in column 1.

Now, the second time I indented each line as it is in the original code, but here each indent is 2 spaces, not two tabs. I carried out the indent after I replaced '<' and '>' with their respective ASCII codes.